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ABIQ Welcome » Links


These links are provided to enable parents and carers to gain basic information on a range of issues relating to Autistic Spectrum Disorder and Applied Behavioural Analysis (ABA). ABIQ does not necessarily endorse the information contained in these sites.

We would like this list to grow. If you know of any useful sites relating to Autism and its treatment in general and, in particular, relating to Applied Behavioural Analysis please with your suggestions.


Rett Syndrome Australia
This organisation is currently doing research into finding a cure for the ASD disorder Rett Syndrome. The gene found to cause Rett Syndrome has also been found in some individuals with autism.

Applied Behavioural Analysis (ABA)

Autism Behavioural Intervention Association Inc.
This group is the Victorian equivalent of ABIQ.

The Saffran Site
This private site is a collection of Internet and other resources which parents of children with PDD, PDD-NOS, Autism, Asperger's or Hyperlexia may find useful.

The Recovery Zone
This is a private site with a host of information about ABA.

The Lovaas Institute for Early Intervention
A research-based program that specializes in teaching children with autism, pervasive developmental disorders, and related developmental disabilities. The program provides services nationwide.

Autism related sites


This site contains experts' advice to train your brain. If you Register for our free monthly newsletter we'll let you know what's been added to BrainSkills along with any news that we think you'll find of interest.

FEAT - Families for Early Autism Treatment
FEAT primarily promotes ABA as a treatment for Autism and this site is a great source of information on a range of issues. They also provide an e-mail news service which is worth while subscribing to.

CAN - The Cure Autism Now Foundation
This site contains a lot of useful medical as well as some ABA related information.

Autism Research Institute
The Autism Research Institute, under the Directorship of Dr. Bernard Rimland conducts research into Autism and its treatment. This site provides information on a range of treatments and is a good starting point for parents assessing treatment options.

Western Australian Autism Research Group
This site provides information on a range of research projects on autism. Parents may choose to participate in any project of interest.

Centre for the Study of Autism
The Centre for the Study of Autism provides information on Autism to parents and professionals. It conducts studies into the efficacy of treatments suggested for Autism. Much of this research is done in conjunction with the Autism Research Institute. This site contains lots of articles on all manner of things related to Autism.

Oops....Wrong Planet! Syndrome
This is a private site with a lot of useful and interesting information as well as exhaustive lists of links to Autism related sites and e-mail lists.

Autism Library of Science and Spirit
A web site describing the personal experience of an adult with high functioning autism.

Kathie is a speech pathologist. She has a private practice, writes and speaks about autism. With her husband, they have raised a wonderful young man, now 31 years old who has autism. Doug is successful by anyone's standards and Kathie shares information and inspiration so nicely on her site.
Email: goodspeech@lvcm.com

Autism Treatment info
Treatment Tips for Children with Autism, PDD & Asperger's Syndrome.  Parents share their experience running In-Home treatment programs for their children with Autism.

Biomedical and diet

Autism Biomedical Information Network
The site's introduction states that it is dedicated to providing science-based information on the biomedical aspects of Autism, from a balanced, unbiased viewpoint.

Kirkman Laboratory
Kirman Laboratories is apparently the only manufacturing company designing products specifically for autistic individuals. Customers can order their products through the website, by post or fax.

The Great Plains Laboratory
The Great Plains Laboratory is run by Dr. William Shaw and conducts research and provides testing services relating to the biomedical causes of Autism. This site profiles Dr, Shaw, his research and the services GPL provides.

Dr. Michael Goldberg and NIDS
Dr. Goldberg speaks internationally on immune system disorders etc. This site was developed for doctors and patients to better understand and try to find cures for Autism, CFS, ADD and other auto immune diseases.

Dr. Sidney Baker
Dr. Baker speaks internationally on the biomedical causes of Autism. His website contains, amongst other things, information about nutrition and supplementation.

Gluten-free, Casein-free Diet Information
Compiled from information provided by hundreds of parents across the USA, this comprehensive site contains information which is still relevant to us here in Australia.

The Autism, ADD and Related Disorders Page
This site contains information on food intolerances and how they relate to behaviour, as well as Autism and ADD.

E-mail lists

Oops....Wrong Planet! Syndrome
This private site has an exhaustive and informative listing of these and many more e-mail lists and other discussion forums on this page.

The Me-List
A forum for parents and professionals to discuss Applied Behavioural Analysis.
To subscribe to the list send a short e-mail to Ruth Allen at rallen@indyvax.iupui.edu giving your specific reason for interest in this topic.
Note: This list may be subscribed to in a 'digest' format which is recommended.

The Autism Mail List
This is a forum for professionals, parents, people with Autism and others to discuss a range of issues relating to Autism and its treatment.
To subscribe send an e-mail to listserv@maelstrom.stjohns.edu and in the body type: subscribe Autism Firstname, Lastname. (Leave the subject line blank.)

This list is dedicated to the discussion of Applied Behavioural Analysis theory and practice and new developments.
The list will be of particular use to professionals and parents involved in implementing an ABA programme.
To subscribe send an e-mail to Listserv@maelstrom.stjohns.edu and in the body of the message write: subscribe ABA-PRO First name, Last name

The purpose of this list is the discussion of physiological, metabolic and genetic research and theories about Autism and treatments. Useful for those interested possible biomedical causes of Autism.
To subscribe send the following message to listserv@maelstrom.stjohns.edu and in the body of the message type: subscribe Autism-physio (firstname lastname)

A list specifically for Australians and New Zealander families and individuals affected by Autistic Spectrum Disorder. A good source of information specific to Australasia.
To subscribe send the following message to majordomo@hunter.apana.org.au leaving the subject line blank: SUBSCRIBE OZAUTISM

Last updated 26 July, 2004